Rape, Battery and Sexual Slavery Must End Now!

VDAY Cagayan de Oro City 2009 Spread the V-Word tag.

As a tag, here are the rules:

1.) Since my friend Ram was the one who gave me the idea about this tag, we shall use "Rape, Battery and Sexual Slavery Must End Now!" as the title of the post;

2.) Copy the banner above and link it with the VDAY Cagayan de Oro City blogsite, http://www.vdaycagayandeorocity.blogspot.com

3.) Visit the VDAY website to learn more about VDAY 2009. And Tell us how we could end the violence in our own communities by adding your idea below;

4.) Of course, sign your contribution by putting your initials and linked site name.

5.) Tag friends to join in...

To end violence against women and children,
in our communities...

* We must report all cases of violence to the Authorities. Educate men and women about Republic Act 9262 or the anti VAWC (violence against women and children) Act of 2004. Support the VDAY movement...~~~~~ Darling M. Aguilar VDAY 2009 Cagayan de Oro City Community Organizer

* Support women's causes. Support the women in our lives (our mother, our wives, our daughter/s, our sister/s, our friends...)~~~ Zar, VSK8SHOP

* Be a FISCAL SPONSOR ~~~ Honeysweet Learning Center


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