Organizing tip???

Now that the new school year has begun, here are some tips for us parents to help organize our kids' belongings, especially if they are not capable yet. This is specific to preschoolers. This is one way we teach discipline and make them aware that an orderly life is something worth all the organizing buzz...

Always ensure that on the first day of classes, all your child's things are in proper order and labeled accordingly. Write Name, Address and Contact information on a tag attached to his or her thing... This prevents his or her things from being misplaced. The name of your child should be bold enough to be read, and if possible, write down a return address with a contact number should it get lost or anything.. Hmm.. This gives me an idea of giving your school children personalized backpacks for kids. That way, they will know which belongs to who... On top of that, at home, each kid should have his or her own garbage bin, probably have it personalized for a more positive appeal on taking out trash and waste, probably add in personalized laundry bags for each kid. That's a positive way of telling your kids that it is always best to keep the body clean--- changing clothes is one of the very simple steps.. wink.. wink...

And when all is in order, perhaps you should take a photo or two for such simple milestones.. kids will grow up and someday have their own families, and kids to take care of someday...what better way to teach your grand kids the same lessons their parents have learned from you.. wouldn't you agree? Anyway, like what I said, take a picture, and compile them, labeled and all with the use of penny laine baby memory books... That, my friends will surely make your kids smile when they remember each little lesson mommy taught them..


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